Sunday, July 17, 2011
Heat Wave of Wisconisn
So how is everyone enjoying this summer??? The heat wave is here oh my!!!! It's early this morning can't sleep thinking of all the homes with out air--and me the animal lover all the dogs outside in this heat..My 4 children (dogs) have the air on and sleep with me how many have to be outside in this heat-They say this will last till at least Friday--hope my air in the store can keep up with this--or we just have to think back in the days no one had air so the store is prim all the way..A few weeks ago the first few photo's are from the farmers market in the town of Rome. It was a wonderful day every Friday they have fresh produce and invited me out to share with them my store ...2 wonderful rugs from Red Barn Rugs--get that fall rug hooked more patterns to come. That eagle is wonderful.I'll be starting on my 5th rug so far I'm still loven it .This Saturday a customer came in with 2 of her rugs just wanted to share them with you..
Stay cool and I just keep thinking of snow--God Bless Your Day!!
Oooo eeeee.....It's getting a little sticky out there, isn't it? And I usually love heat..... The farmers' market sounds fun....glad you got to go....And thanks for sharing Cathy's eagle rug - haven't seen it for myself yet although she told me about it.....LOVE it!! Stay cool my friend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin